Formation des délégués

As a class representative, I can feedback that my colleagues and I, have gained lots of benefits from the 2 days camp that our school headmistress planned for us.
On the first day, we came at night after school, we had fun increasing our knowledge about the school’s status and about all the Saint Coeur’s branches across the country with sister Lucy.

The following day was the most important and serious one, Dr Khazen and Miss Hala, our school therapists came to help us through our mission duties to our classes;

Our program started at 9am, we started talking, arguing even shouting with each other, of course Dr Khazen calmed us down and put the situation under control almost straight away... Why did we argue? Because we didn’t know how to discuss matters properly, especially that we represent our classes, we have to know how to start a conversation with our classmates, and it was so; we started with this topic first, which it worked out successfully.

Then every representative read his personal duties, what he or she is allowed to do and what we should not do…

We talked about the general figure of a class representative and their duties.

We also discussed how to convince our classes about any particular subject, and to listen to each opinion that our class has, even if it was of a minority. We should take into consideration what the minority says so that we would be ready to prepare for that on another occasion. Hence, we would be better in providing a more just solution.

We finally set our goals, and we were told to obtain feedback from our classes regarding what are their wishes or demands for the next meeting.



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